Aging Goldendoodle

Goldendoodle Life Expectancy | Lifespan Increasing Tips

It’s not easy to say bye to someone. Especially, if it’s about your loved ones. Gradually, your Goldendoodle manages to secure a space in your life as a family member and you start to wonder what is my Goldendoodle’s Life Expectancy.

Well, the exact answer to this question will always be unknown but by focusing on a few important factors you can tell how long your furry best friend will be by your side. If you will understand these factors you can expect it to live longer than its average age.

In this article, I will let you understand what are the essential needs of your Goldendoodle at different stages of its lifespan. Also, we will discuss some aspects and factors that can decrease its lifespan. 

How long do Goldendoodles live?

The lifespan of a Goldendoodle depends on its genetic context. The lifespan of the parent breed i.e. Golden Retriever and Poodle significantly affects how long your puppy is going to live. 

Info Bites

The lifespan of a Golden Retriever is 10 to 12 years.
The lifespan of a Poodle is around 12 to 16 years.
A Goldendoodle can live up to 14 to 16 years.

The Poodle has a comparatively longer lifespan. A miniature Poodle can live up to 16 years. Considering this context, the standard Goldendoodle lives around 12 years but you can expect it to live up to 14 to 16 years. This is among one of the major advantages of having a Goldendoodle.

What is the Average Life Expectancy of a Goldendoodle?

The average lifespan of a Goldendoodle depends on its Poodle to Golden Retriever ratio i.e. you can expect F1B and F1BB to live longer than an F1 Goldendoodle.

The size of a dog is a critical factor in this context. The smaller dogs live longer i.e. the life expectancy of a Goldendoodle is 12 to 16 years.

But other than the genetic context, there are several factors in which you can play some role in increasing its life span.

Fun Facts

Bobi, the world’s oldest dog ever born in 1992, died at age 31.
The maximum age of a Goldendoodle reported is 18 years

Newborn Pup 

Goldendoodles are born into litters of 3 to 7 siblings. The newborn puppies are born without senses. The only source of nutrition for them is the mother’s feed. They are very sensitive to cold at this point. Therefore they are dependent on their mother for warmth and protection.

Newly Born Goldendoodle Littermate

They don’t have any teeth and they hardly open their eyes. They start seeing the world after 15 days of their birth. It takes at least a month for them to get on their feet and roam around a little. This is the time when they will interact and realize about their litter mates.

This is certainly the most exciting moment for the dog parents but you also need to be extremely careful because some of the siblings may die because of small negligence. I always provide them their space and I never expect Mother to play around with me or the kids during this period.  


Goldendoodle Puppies

The adolescent stage of your Goldendoodle starts in the sixth month. This is the time when they are at the extreme of their energy.

You see it like the “teenage” of dogs. They won’t listen to you much and will take some time to settle. They become more independent and keep on pushing their boundaries.

You need to train them properly as it could lead to some bad behavioral issues. For a detailed analysis, you should learn their behavioral stages

Adult Goldendoodle

Adult Mini Goldendoodle

A 1-2-year-old Goldendoodle can be termed an adult one. Now your little friend will be able to follow the commands. Make sure that by this stage, it must have completed the obedience stage. You will find it extremely active and lively for all the family members.

You should take care of the possible health issues that may occur. Also, I would suggest conducting daily exercise or brisk walking sessions. 


Senior Goldendoodle

From the age of 2 to 8 years, the Goldendoodle doesn’t change itself much. But the moment it enters the bracket of 8 to 10 years, it becomes a “senior citizen”. Starting from this juncture, you can expect more health challenges.

There could be issues of vision loss, hearing loss, allergies, or dental issues. You should take care of your old buddy more than earlier. If you want him to last for at least 5 to 6 more years, you should take care of his diet, sleep, etc. 

This phase of its life will indicate to you if your Goldendoodle is going to die or how long it is going to live. 

Factors That Affect How Long Goldendoodles Live

You already know that your Goldendoodle is going to live around 12 years on average. Now let’s see what factors that contribute to the lifespan of your puppy. 

Genetics and Hybrid Vigor

Genetic context is certainly the most important factor. If longer lives are found in the DNA of the parent breed, your Goldendoodle may follow the tradition. Being a breeder myself, I always take care of this matter so that there is no abnormality in the parents while crossbreeding. If you are thinking of adopting a Goldendoodle, you should consider asking questions about the genetic parents of that particular puppy. 

According to the Goldendoodle Association of North America, hybrid vigor can increase the lifespan of Goldendoodle. A fresh and energetic bloodline increases the chances for a Goldendoodle to live longer. 

Info Bites

Genetics is often overlooked by inexperienced breeders. Whenever you find low-cost Goldendoodles, the genetic makeup of that puppy may be low.


Not only in the case of Goldendoodles, but generally size plays a big role in determining the life of a puppy. Small dogs live longer than large-sized dogs. Your Goldendoodle puppy will live longer than the standard Goldendoodle. 


It is quite debatable, but it is believed that female Goldendoodles are more energetic and live longer than male Goldendoodles. But be informed that the reported difference in life span between a male and female Goldendoodle is very less. I consider this to be a negligible aspect and this fact should not discourage you from buying a male Goldendoodle. 


If the living environment provided by you is vulnerable and compromised, chances are that your Goldendoodle will not stay healthy and will die sooner. Exercise, grooming, and regular health checkups are necessary to enhance its life. 

Medical History

Goldendoodle Health

The medical history of a Goldendoodle is essential to know before buying a Goldendoodle. It must be vaccinated. The medication for fleas and ticks is essential to prevent common health issues. Whenever you feel that your Goldendoodle is not performing as expected, you should take it to the vet. Delaying treatment can lead to unpromising scenes. 

Common Signs of Aging in Goldendoodles

As mentioned earlier, a Goldendoodle aged around 8-10 years can be termed a senior. It becomes more vulnerable to several health issues. If you are not sure about the exact age of your Goldendoodle, here are some common signs to hint you about its aging. 

Hip dysplasia: 

Hip dysplasia is a very common condition when the thigh bone of your dog is displaced and it finds it difficult to walk and jump. You should always consult a Vet and ask the breeders about this while buying one for you. 

Von Willebrand’s disease: 

Von Willebrand’s disease is a blood condition that affects clotting. The aged Goldendoodles are more likely to catch this. But you can also expect this condition around 3 to 5 years of age. Some common symptoms of this disease are bleeding gums and frequent nosebleeds. 

Progressive retinal atrophy: 

Commonly referred to as PRA, Progressive retinal atrophy, is a condition in which the retina is gradually deteriorated. This can lead to complete blindness during the daytime. 

Patellar Luxation

The knee of your Goldendoodle is where the upper leg bone (femur) and lower leg bone (tibia) meet. The kneecap (patella) should sit in a special groove at the end of the upper leg bone. Whenever the term “luxating” is mentioned, it means that it’s not staying where it should be as it pops out of place.

In some cases, you might see your puppy suddenly start hopping or running on three legs. But this condition is short-lived. The dog seems fine again after some time and starts walking while using all four legs as if nothing is wrong. But you should not ignore this matter and take your curly dude to a professional vet. 

Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism

The thyroid gland of your dog is located in the neck near the windpipe. This gland is vital for controlling the body’s metabolism through two conditions: 

  • Hyperthyroidism and
  • Hypothyroidism

A major downside of hypothyroidism in dogs is that it can lead to low energy levels, weight gain, and skin problems.

Hyperthyroidism in dogs often results in excessive hunger, weight loss, and hyperactivity.

Gastric Dilations Volvulus or Bloat

Gastric Dilations Volvulus or Bloat occurs when your Goldendoodle will feel the gastritis issues. Whenever its stomach is filled with gas, the other organs feel pressure. 

Surprisingly, it is an extreme condition that can result in death within one hour. Therefore, whenever you suspect that your Goldendoodle is going through gastric dilations, volvulus, or bloat, immediately take it to the vet. 


Goldendoodles are considered hypoallergenic but they can catch allergies. If your Goldendoodle reacts to outdoor substances like pollen and shows symptoms like itching, rashes, or hair loss, it is being affected by allergies. Although it can catch allergies at any phase of its life, it becomes vulnerable to allergies at later ages. 

How Do You Know If Your Goldendoodle Is Dying?

Dirty Mini Goldendoodle

There are very evident symptoms in Goldendoodles when they are about to get on their deathbed. You don’t need to pay very close attention to these matters because, in most of the cases, the incurable medical conditions occur. In such a time phase, you should try to make their final days as happy and comfortable as possible. 

Loss of Appetite

Goldendoodles are known for their very strong appetite. But, the very first signal that you will observe is that your Goldendoodle will take no interest in eating its favorite dog food. It will not eat as much as it used to. You will have to help them eat with your hands. There are several appetite stimulants that you can use for your dog with the consent of your Vet. 


Goldendoodles are praised and loved for their energy. But when the dying phase of your dog hits, it loses interest in its favorite activities. The dog will not be a source of fun for you and your kids. At this point, it needs your affection and attention. If your Goldendoodle doesn’t want to get along with you anymore, you should respect its decision. But keep an eye on its needs. 

A sad goldendoodle facing health issues

Loss Of Weight

Loss of weight is very common among Goldendoodles in the latter ages. They would become feeble and gradually lose their weight. If it becomes ill, it will become thinner. If you sense any symptoms like this, consult your vet and get a weight management diet plan so that it can live a bit longer. 


A Goldendoodle loses control over its muscles at a later age. They won’t be able to control their urine because of weak bladder. If your dog mostly lives within your house, you can use doggie diapers as it could spread allergies. 

Breathing Difficulties

Respiratory diseases are also very common in Goldendoodles in the final phase. Its breath will not be normal which will affect its activities and behavior. You should consult your vet to get the proper medicine to keep your friend comfortable in the final days of life. 

Things You Can Do To Increase Your Goldendoodles’s Lifespan

Growth of Goldendoodles

Diet and Weight Management:

You need to keep an eye on the reducing weight of your Goldendoodle. For a healthy life, you need to maintain the healthy weight of your dog. You should know the nutritional needs of your Goldendoodle. If you are unsure about this matter, you should always consult your vet. 

Physical and Mental Exercise:

If you keep your Goldendoodle engaged in physical activities like puzzle toys, brisk walking, fetching, and action-oriented games, you can increase its lifespan by a substantial percentage. Get your puppy a lot of toys and keep its mind engaged all of the time.

This will make it more intelligent and interactive. The overall development and lifespan are improved if there is a good amount of such activities in its daily life. 

Limiting Stress:

You might know that a Goldendoodle is an emotionally sensitive breed. It can go through separation anxiety. It always needs someone to be around.

Providing it a sufficient place to play and do all the activities keeps it from going into the stressful phase.

Always avoid excessive noise and things that it may fear. If you cannot manage the stress, you should always seek professional help. 

Dental Hygiene:

Surprising but it is true that dental hygiene contributes to a longer life span. Brush your Goldendoodle’s teeth at least twice a week. Here you should avoid using regular human toothpastes.

Always do it with dog-specific toothpaste and use dental chews and toys to prevent plaque buildup. Regular dental care is vital for their overall health.

Spaying and Neutering:

If you will desex your Goldendoodle, chances are that it will live longer than usual. Consider spaying or neutering your Goldendoodle, balancing the health benefits against potential downsides.

Since this is a sensitive matter, consulting a vet is essential to make an informed decision neutering your dog. 

Veterinary Care:

You should not wait for your little fellow to become sick to visit a vet. Regular vet visits, at least annually, are crucial for a healthy life.

It helps in matters like vaccinations, early detection of health issues, and general well-being. I’d you to stay updated with necessary vaccinations to protect against common diseases.

Pro Tips

Like humans, dogs need affection and care. I can’t claim that it can increase your Groodle’s life but at least it will lead a healthy one. The best thing is that it won’t cost a penny. 

A Few Factors That Can Decrease Their Lifespan


Obesity is one of the biggest enemies of a Goldendoodle’s lifespan. It often leads to several health complications like joint and heart problems. You’d be surprised to know that even Goldendoodles could become diabetic because of being excessively overweight. All these factors shorten the lifespan. 


Negligence towards the little curly dude could be deadly. A stressed Goldendoodle is vulnerable to many diseases and falls sick most of the time. Without proper medication, diet, exercise, and essential needs like shelter, it may not last long. 

Environmental Factors

If you expose your Goldendoodle to extreme heat or cold, its overall health will be affected. Moreover, pollution and toxins have a negative impact. Such exposure also causes allergies and respiratory issues. 

Comparison of Goldendoodle Life Span with Other Doodle Breeds

The number of candles on your Doodle’s birthday cake can range. Let’s compare the life span of a Goldendoodle and take a peek at how long some of our favorite Doodle pals might be wagging their tails with us:

Doodle BreedExpected Lifespan
LabradoodlesTypically 10-15 years
AussiedoodlesUp to 14 years
CavapoosUsually 12-15 years
BernedoodlesAverage of 10-14 years
SheepadoodlesOften 10-14 years

Remember, these are just ballpark figures to provide you with some guidelines. Proper care, activities, and checkups can increase the lifespan of any dog. 

The Bottom Line

How long your Goldendoodle lives depends on their genes, how you take care of them, and their overall health. Since Golden Retrievers usually live 10-12 years and Poodles 12-16 years, a typical Goldendoodle might live about 12 years. Sometimes it even reaches 14-16 years. 

How you care for them from when they’re little puppies to when they’re older is extremely important to increase their lifespan. Taking them to the vet regularly, feeding them well, and making sure they get enough exercise will help your little friend have a long, happy life. 

Each stage of their life needs different care. To live longer and get the best out of your little buddy, you need to cater to its needs and understand more about it. 

Frequently Asked Question

Nope, the color of a Goldendoodle’s coat doesn’t affect how long they are going to be your buddy. 

Yes, the specific breed mix i.e. the one which is more Poodle can have a longer lifespan. For example, F1B Goldendoodles are 75% Poodle and 25% Golden Retriever and may live longer than F1. 

Sarah-Brown Founder Goldendoodle Hub

About Author

Sarah Brown is a Goldendoodle enthusiast. Her content makes the general audience aware of pet care, adoption, rescue, grooming, healthcare, and overall well-being. With a heart full of love and a mind rich with knowledge, she is the go-to guru for all things Goldendoodle.

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