Goldendoodle Health Issues

7 Most Common Goldendoodle health issues?

Goldendoodles are super cute and no less than a sensation on the internet these days. In several cases, Goldendoodles lived up to 18 years with their owner. Every dog parent would like to have this companion with them as long as it is possible. But like any crossbreed, Goldendoodles are susceptible to certain health issues. Knowing them would solve most of your problems. 

Now let’s explore the most common health issues that you can face with your Goldedoodle. 

1. Goldendoodle Eye Problems

Never consider the weird looks of your Goldendoodle lightly. If you have seen an awkward wink, redness, or swelling in one or both of the eyes, its time to seek professional help. 

Goldendoodle draining eyes infection health issue

Eyes Infection

Eye infections could be contagious. They can catch it from other dogs as well and in some cases from humans as well. Some of the clear signs of an eye infection include yellowish discharge, squinting, or blinking, crusty lids, etc. There could be any irritant causing redness in the eyes as well. In such cases, you should use antimicrobial eye drops or gel. 

Eyes Dryness

Another very common issue is the dryness of the eyes. Most of the time, it is genetically transmitted from parents. You should ask about it from the breeder while buying your Goldendoodle. Seek professional help or use special-purpose eye drops to get your dog’s vision back.

Cleaning infected eyes of Goldendoodle


You should also be aware of the eye complications caused by allergies. It is a little tricky to find if your dog is allergic to a certain food, flower, perfume, or changing season. Once you get to know if there is some element that doesn’t suit your dog, keep on practicing precautionary measures. 

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

PRA is a serious scenario that causes eye photoreceptor cells to deteriorate in dogs. This can lead to complete blindness. This disease develops over time and shows its symptoms when your Goldendoodle is around 3 to 5 years of age. 

Eye Inspection of Goldendoodle suffering from Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

This disease is not specifically associated with Goldendoodles but with many other dogs as well. Unfortunately, so far there has been no effective treatment for PRA but using antioxidants as supplements may reduce stress.

2. Goldendoodle Joint Problems

The real joy of a Goldendoodle is to roam around, run, sprint, and jump onto your lap. Surprisingly, it can do all this for hours without showing any fatigue. 

This is the reason, joint problems for a Goldendoodle could be a matter of great concern. Since Goldendoodles put too much stress on their joints, they are sensitive to degenerative issues like Ligament tears, Arthritis, and Osteoarthritis. 

The best approach is to go for preventative practices. There are several natural supplements that you could include in your regular diet. 

Maintaining a healthy diet will ensure fewer chances of such diseases. Here are some of the common joint problems that you should be aware of.

Hip and Elbow Dysplasia

Hip and Elbow Dysplasia is often inherited from golden retrievers, and involves poorly formed hip and elbow joints. Signs include walking difficulties, unusual gait, stiff elbows, and possibly severe arthritis. Mild cases are manageable with anti-inflammatory medication and supplements, while advanced cases might need surgery.

Degenerative Myelopathy

A genetic neurological issue, degenerative myelopathy typically starts affecting dogs between 4 to 14 years old, leading to mobility loss. Early signs are knuckling of hind paws, unsteady stance, and trouble standing up. This progressive, fatal condition has no cure, but staying active and using supplements can help manage symptoms.

3. Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM)

Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is primarily a genetic condition affecting a dog’s heart muscle. This leads to an enlarged heart. As a result, the heart valve may leak, causing fluid build-up in the chest and abdomen, known as congestive heart failure.

Recognizing Symptoms of DCM

According to expert Wheaton, DCM often goes unnoticed until severe symptoms like congestive heart failure appear. Early signs are subtle but may include reduced exercise tolerance. More alarming symptoms are rapid breathing at rest, coughing, collapse, a swollen abdomen, and mood changes.

Managing DCM in Goldendoodles

DCM is not curable, but medical management can extend a dog’s life. Treatment effectiveness varies, with some dogs living up to 24 months post-diagnosis. Your vet will recommend specific medications based on your dog’s condition.

4. Goldendoodle Ear Infections

Have you ever wondered why my Goldendoodle stinks? Well, an ear infection is the most common cause of this irritating smell.

Goldendoodle facing ear infection health issue

Goldendoodles are known for their endearing floppy and fluffy ears. While these ears are a charming trait, they can sometimes lead to ear infections. The unique shape of a Goldendoodle’s ear can make it more susceptible to these infections compared to other breeds.

Common Causes of Ear Infections

Ear infections in Goldendoodles are typically caused by a variety of factors including:

  • Moisture buildup
  • Bacterial growth
  • Presence of foreign objects
  • Ear mites
  • Yeast infections

Identifying an Ear Infection

Be on the lookout for signs like frequent ear scratching or unusual head movements. These behaviors are common indicators of an ear infection. It’s a good idea to check under those fluffy ears regularly. If you notice any signs of infection, consider using a high-quality ear rinse to clean and soothe your pet’s ears.

How to clean Goldendoodle ears?

You can use a mild ear cleaner or warm water with a cotton ball. Carefully clean the inside of the dog’s ear using a cotton bud, ensuring that you remove all the wax and dirt.

Cleaning ear of Goldendoodle facing ear infection

5. Goldendoodle Skin Problems

Noticed your Goldendoodle scratching more than usual? While a scratch here and there is normal, constant itching could indicate a skin problem.

Here are the top skin concerns for Goldendoodles:

Allergic Dermatitis

Not just a case of sneezes, allergies can cause intense skin irritation and rashes under your doodle’s coat. For allergic dermatitis, identifying and removing the allergen is key, coupled with prescribed medications or special shampoos to soothe the skin.


This condition, caused by mites, Mange can lead to itching, sores, and hair loss. Treatment varies, but good grooming habits typically keep it at bay. Check out our guide for more on managing mange. 

To deal with Mange, a vet-prescribed treatment plan, often involving medicated baths and topical medications, is essential


If your Goldendoodle has fleas, don’t stress. These tiny pests are common but treatable with topical solutions and regular baths. Look for signs like hotspots and scabs to catch them early. 

Goldendoodle suffering from Fleas

If you are facing this issue with your Goldendoodle., a comprehensive approach using topical flea treatments, flea combs, and regular bathing can effectively eliminate these pests.

Remember, regular grooming and a clean environment play a significant role in preventing these skin issues. And, of course, a vet’s guidance is invaluable in ensuring your doodle gets the best care for its specific needs.

6. Goldendoodle Stomach and Digestion Issues

As a loving owner of a Goldendoodle, it’s important to be aware of various health issues that can affect your furry companion, including those related to their stomach and digestion.

Goldendoodle in stomach pain

Do Goldendoodles Have Sensitive Stomachs?

While not universally true for all Goldendoodles, some may have sensitive stomachs, requiring careful attention to diet and eating habits.

The Risk of Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus (GDV)

Groodles are particularly prone to a serious condition called Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus (GDV), where the stomach fills with gas and twists. This blocks both the entrance and exit of the stomach. 

GDV is a life-threatening emergency, with early symptoms like drooling, stretching, gagging, and a bloated stomach. Rapid panting and collapse are signs of progression. Immediate veterinary attention is crucial at the first sign of GDV.

Goldendoodle facing pain and health issues

Post-GDV Surgery Care

Following GDV surgery, which relieves gas pressure and untwists the stomach, your dog will require restricted exercise and frequent, small meals (two to three times daily).

Preventing GDV

To minimize the risk of GDV, feed your dog smaller meals more often, rather than one large meal, and avoid exercising 30 minutes to an hour before and after eating. 

Other Stomach and Digestive Concerns

While some stomach issues in standard Goldendoodles may be minor and temporary, often caused by eating inappropriate items, serious symptoms shouldn’t be ignored. These include frequent vomiting, bloody stools, weight loss, and prolonged loss of appetite. Such symptoms can indicate bloat, infections, or worms. Veterinary care is essential if these symptoms persist, and it’s important to monitor any unusual behavior around meal times.

7. Hypothyroidism in Goldendoodles

Hypothyroidism is a common condition in dogs where the thyroid gland becomes underactive, leading to a slower metabolism.

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

A Goldendoodle suffering from this condition might gain weight, seem unusually tired, feel cold more easily, shed excessively, and exhibit a slow heart rate along with high blood cholesterol levels.

Treatment and Management

Fortunately, hypothyroidism can be managed effectively with oral thyroid replacement hormones. It’s important to note that this treatment is not a cure; it’s a lifelong commitment, meaning your Goldendoodle will need to stay on this medication permanently to maintain its health.

Health IssueDescriptionPrevention/Management
Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus (GDV)Stomach fills with gas and twists, blocking entrances.Feed smaller, frequent meals; avoid exercise around eating times.
HypothyroidismUnderactive thyroid gland leading to slower metabolism.Lifelong oral thyroid replacement therapy.
Joint ProblemsIncludes hip and elbow dysplasia, and degenerative myelopathy.Anti-inflammatory medication, supplements, possible surgery.
Eye IssuesProblems like infections, dryness, allergies, and Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA).Professional treatment, special eye drops, antioxidants for PRA.
Ear InfectionsDue to moisture, bacterial growth, or ear mites.Regular cleaning, high-quality ear rinse.
Skin ConditionsAllergic dermatitis, mange, and fleas leading to itching and sores.Grooming, medicated baths, topical treatments.
Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM)Genetic heart condition leading to enlarged heart.Medical management, specific medications.

The Takeaways

While Goldendoodles bring a bundle of joy and energy into our lives, it’s crucial to be mindful of their health. 

These adorable dogs can be prone to issues like eye conditions, joint problems, heart diseases like DCM, ear infections, skin ailments, and stomach and digestion complications, including the risk of GDV. 

Even though hypothyroidism is a lifelong condition requiring continuous management, most of these health concerns can be effectively addressed with early detection, proper care, and regular veterinary check-ups. 

As responsible pet parents, staying informed and proactive about your Goldendoodle’s health ensures a happier, healthier life for your furry companion.

Sarah-Brown Founder Goldendoodle Hub

About Author

Sarah Brown is a Goldendoodle enthusiast. Her content makes the general audience aware of pet care, adoption, rescue, grooming, healthcare, and overall well-being. With a heart full of love and a mind rich with knowledge, she is the go-to guru for all things Goldendoodle.

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